Sixth Form – Work Shadowing
All year 12 students are expected and encouraged to take part in Work Shadowing.
Our template documents are shown below for information although, of course, during this unusual time our students will not be able to partake in this valuable event.
As young people taking part in work shadowing are not entitled to the benefit of the National Insurance Act, a modest personal injury insurance, which covers students in case of accidental injury, will be in place. Additionally, the company providing the placement MUST have Employer’s Liability Insurance in place for injury arising out of proven negligence, or breach of statutory duty by the company or its employees.
Students are not paid for work shadowing and will not receive any reimbursement for any costs incurred whilst on their placement. They will only be allowed to work a maximum of 8 hours a day and must comply with the Health and Safety regulations of the organisation, which includes wearing any safety clothing that is considered necessary or required by law.
Employers, universities and colleges place great emphasis on the benefits of work shadowing and I do not want any of our students to be disadvantaged if they do not take this opportunity. Therefore, we ask parents and carers for support in encouraging their son / daughter to arrange a work shadowing placement.
More Information
Should you like to receive any additional information on this area please contact Miss Jones, Careers Co-ordinator via email kjones@newent.gloucs.sch.uk.