Year Thirteen Careers
The Careers focus in Year 13 is to support all students with identifying and reaching their desired post-18 destination. By the end of Year 13 all students will have had a careers interview with our Level 6 trained advisor who will support the students during this process.
The opportunities that the students get in Year 13 are:
- UCAS application support
- Unifrog activities as part of tutorial programme
- University of Gloucestershire student finance outreach
- One-to-one careers guidance meeting
- ASK Apprenticeship visits
- 1:1 careers guidance meeting
- National Careers Week
- Careers in the Curriculum
Useful Links
Informed Choices | Informed Choices
Gloucestershire Careers and Skills Portal (skillsportalglos.com)
UCAS | At the heart of connecting people to higher education
The ASK programme (apprenticeships.gov.uk)
University Rankings and League Tables 2025 (thecompleteuniversityguide.co.uk)