Careers & Work Experience
At Newent Community School and Sixth Form Centre our students experience high quality, age-appropriate careers education and guidance from Year 7. Through PSHE lessons, specific events across the academic year and one-to-one meetings, the students are guided through the transition to GCSE, post-16 options and post-A Level options. We offer bespoke impartial advice and guidance for KS3, KS4 and KS5, ensuring that each student is well informed throughout their time at Newent School.
Our designated Careers Co-Ordinator and Advisor is Miss K Jones who can be contacted via kjones@newent.gloucs.sch.uk
The designated SLT member responsible for Careers is Mr I McCarthy, Assistant Principal, who can be contacted imccarthy@newent.gloucs.sch.uk.
Our students benefit from a range of impressive Careers related events and activities such as:
- National Careers Week Fair that gives students the opportunity to meet representatives from over a range of providers including higher education establishments and apprenticeship providers
- Access to Unifrog, a comprehensive and engaging platform for students from Year 7 upwards to explore and develop educational and careers-related ideas
- Work experience opportunities that take place in Years 8, 10 and 12.
- A full-time onsite Level 6 Careers Advisor
- A regular programme of speakers & visitors who share their career journey
- Information on technical and non-academic routes and access to local providers

Year 13
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Year 12
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Year 11
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Year 10
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Year 9
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Year 8
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Year 7
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Careers & Work Experience
Please find below information relating to our Work Experience programme.
Should you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact our Careers Coordinator by emailing kjones@newent.gloucs.sch.uk or alternatively by telephoning 01531 828915.