School Buses
There are a number of bus routes in operation to serve the needs of our students including those students who live out of catchment. Details of the bus routes are available below as a download.
Please find below information on our Code of Conduct for students who use home to school transport.
Code of Conduct
We want you and all other passengers to stay safe and travel in comfort.
You must agree to the following code of conduct before your bus pass is issued.
The school and parents (or carers) will be alerted if you do not keep to this code and we will withdraw your transport assistance if breaches are reported to us.
- Carry your bus pass with you whenever you travel to and from school
- Be ready to show your pass to the bus driver, if it cannot be produced then the driver may refuse transport
- Do not use anyone else’s pass or allow another person to use yours. This is a criminal offence and a bus operator may choose to take action against you
- If you lose your County bus pass please contact Reception immediately, however, if you lose your Stagecoach pass, contact the school’s Finance Office
Your pick-up point:
- You are responsible for getting to your bus’s pick up point
- Arrive at the pick-up point before your bus is due. The bus will run to a timetable and will not wait if you are late
- If a bus is late, be prepared to wait at the pick up point for 20 minutes but no longer. Agree with your parents what to do if the bus does not arrive (eg return home or go to a friend’s house to organise alternative transport)
Keeping safe when getting on and off the bus:
- Queue sensibly, well away from the edge of the road
- Allow passengers leaving the bus to get off before you try getting on
- Get on and off the bus in an orderly way so you do not hurt yourself or other passengers
- If you need to cross the road once you have left the bus, make sure the bus has been driven away so you can see other vehicles and their drivers can see you
On the bus:
- Stay in your seat once you are on the bus and always use the seatbelt if one is provided
- Do not speak to or distract the driver unless there is an emergency
- Do not stand in front of the driver on the stairwell
- Do not use emergency exists or doors unless the driver instructs you to, or if there is a genuine emergency
- Do not smoke on the bus
- Foul, abusive language and bullying will not be tolerated
- Do not carry real or replica weapons
- Do not throw items or damage the inside or outside of the bus. If damage is caused the police will be contacted
- If the bus breaks down or is involved in an accident, follow the driver’s instructions. Do not leave the area unless given specific approval by the driver and you parents are aware
If you breach any of the points within this Code of Conduct, Gloucestershire County Council or the relevant bus company, in liaison with the school has the right to withdraw transport at any time.