Pastoral House System
The Pastoral House System within the school has long been recognised as a real strength.
Underpinned by its strong House system, it forms the basis for social and emotional support as well as providing extensive opportunities for students to involve themselves in the life of the school.
What does OFSTED say about our Pastoral system?
- Relationships between staff and students are excellent and the behaviour around school and in lessons is good.
- Students say they feel safe and well cared for. The school responds well to relevant issues regarding the personal safety of students as a focus for assemblies and lessons.
- Students are rightly proud of their school and of their different houses and they work well to try and gain house points for their admiral.
- Bullying incidents are rare and when they do occur students say they feel secure that if reported it would be dealt with, with support for both victim and also the bully.
Heads of House are seen as being highly supportive when students have issues or problems and school records show they are very supportive to students, including arranging additional support from other agencies for students as well as their parents and carers.
House Points
Head of Mountbatten
Mrs V Taylor
Head of Collingwood
Miss E Harvey
Head of Nelson
Miss C Dufour