ParentPay and Online Shop

Making payments via ParentPay

Payments for trips and visits, revaluing of a student’s Catering Fob and Stagecoach Bus Passes can be made online using a very secure website called ParentPay.    Alternatively, payment can be made at local stores where you see the PayPoint logo.

This payment method is the School’s only means of accepting money.  It eliminates the need for students to carry cash or cheques to School.  You will need to log in to ParentPay and register, using a unique activation username and password.  If you have not already received and activation letter you will need to contact the School’s Finance Office.

Once registered, you will be prompted to change your username and password to something more memorable. Please keep your username and password safe and secure for future logins.

ParentPay holds an electronic record of your payments to view at a later date.   Once you have activated your account you can make online payments straight away.

Please do not hesitate to contact the School’s Finance Office if you need assistance.

Access to ParentPay is available via this link:

Making purchases through our Online Shop

We are pleased to introduce our new Online Shop which will allow parents to purchase resources without logging into their ParentPay account.

Resources that are available through the Online Shop include:

  • Ties
  • Lockers
  • Calculators
  • House Subscriptions
  • Stationery

Orders are placed and paid for online just as you would any other Web Shop.  You don’t need to have a Parent Pay Account for these items,  just click on the Newent School Shop image below.


Making purchases through our Online Curriculum Shop

We are pleased to introduce our second new Online Curriculum Shop which will allow parents to purchase subject related items without logging into their ParentPay account.

Resources that are available through the Online Shop include:

  • Revision Guides
  • Art Sketch Books
  • Text Books

Items within this Shop only need to be purchased if advised by your child’s subject teacher.  A letter outlining the resources available to purchase will be sent via MILK and will be available here.

Your child will be advised when the resources ordered have been received by the Finance Office and are ready for collection.

Orders are placed and paid for online just as you would any other Web Shop.  You don’t need to have a Parent Pay Account for these items,  just click on the Newent Curriculum Shop image below.

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